How To Use Style Photoshop

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  1. Photoshop Styles 2018

Photoshop provides a variety of effects—such as shadows, glows, and bevels—that change the appearance of a layer’s contents in a non-distructive way. Layer effects are linked to the layer contents. When you move or edit the contents of the layer, the same effects are applied to the modified contents. For example, if you apply a drop shadow to a text layer and then add new text, the shadow is added automatically to the new text.A layer style is one or more effects applied to a layer or layer group. You can apply one of the preset styles provided with Photoshop or create a custom style using the Layer Style dialog box. The layer effects icon appears to the right of the layer’s name in the Layers panel.

How To Use Style PhotoshopHow to use layer style in photoshop

You can expand the style in the Layers panel to view or edit the effects that compose the style.You can apply multiple effects in a single layer style. Also, more than one instance of some effects can comprise a layer style.

How to Use Photoshop The Layer Tool. The Color & Swatches Tool. Custom Fonts & The Text Tool. Custom Brushes & The Brush Tool. The Select Tool. The Move Tool. The Zoom Tool. The Crop Tool. The Fill Tool. The Eyedropper Tool. Blending Options. Sep 13, 2013 - Howdy creatives! These past couple weeks we've shown you how to use & install Photoshop actions and also how to use & install.

This setting allows you to set one “master” lighting anglethat is then available in all the layer effects that use shading:Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, and Bevel and Emboss. In any of theseeffects, if Use Global Light is selected and you set a lightingangle, that angle becomes the global lighting angle. Any other effectthat has Use Global Light selected automatically inherits the sameangle setting. If Use Global Light is deselected, the lighting angleyou set is “local” and applies only to that effect. You can alsoset the global lighting angle by choosing Layer Style Global Light. Specifies the gradient of a layer effect. Click the gradientto display the Gradient Editor, or click the inverted arrow andchoose a gradient from the pop‑up panel.

You can edit a gradientor create a new gradient using the Gradient Editor. You can editthe color or opacity in the Gradient Overlay panel the same wayyou edit them in the Gradient Editor. For some effects, you can specifyadditional gradient options.

Reverse flips the orientation of thegradient, Align With Layer uses the bounding box of the layer tocalculate the gradient fill, and Scale scales the application ofthe gradient. You can also move the center of the gradient by clickingand dragging in the image window. Style specifies the shape of the gradient. Specifies the pattern of a layer effect. Click the pop‑uppanel and choose a pattern. Click the New Preset button tocreate a new preset pattern based on the current settings.

ClickSnap To Origin to make the origin of the pattern the same as theorigin of the document (when Link With Layer is selected), or toplace the origin at the upper-left corner of the layer (if LinkWith Layer is deselected). Select Link With Layer if you want thepattern to move along with the layer as the layer moves.

Drag theScale slider or enter a value to specify the size of the pattern.Drag a pattern to position it in the layer; reset the position byusing the Snap To Origin button. The Pattern option is not availableif no patterns are loaded. Specifies the style of a bevel: Inner Bevel creates a bevelon the inside edges of the layer contents; Outer Bevel creates abevel on the outside edges of the layer contents; Emboss simulatesthe effect of embossing the layer contents against the underlyinglayers; Pillow Emboss simulates the effect of stamping the edgesof the layer contents into the underlying layers; and Stroke Emboss confinesembossing to the boundaries of a stroke effect applied to the layer.(The Stroke Emboss effect is not visible if no stroke is appliedto the layer.). Smooth, Chisel Hard, and Chisel Soft are available forbevel and emboss effects; Softer and Precise apply to Inner Glowand Outer Glow effects.SmoothBlurs the edges of a matte slightly and is useful for alltypes of mattes, whether their edges are soft or hard.

It does notpreserve detailed features at larger sizes.Chisel HardUses a distance measurement technique and is primarily usefulon hard-edged mattes from anti-aliased shapes such as type. It preservesdetailed features better than the Smooth technique.Chisel SoftUses a modified distance measurement technique and, although notas accurate as Chisel Hard, is more useful on a larger range ofmattes. It preserves features better than the Smooth technique.SofterApplies a blur and is useful on all types of mattes, whethertheir edges are soft or hard.

At larger sizes, Softer does not preservedetailed features.PreciseUses a distance measurement technique to create a glow andis primarily useful on hard-edged mattes from anti-aliased shapessuch as type. It preserves features better than the Softer technique.

Applies a texture. Use Scale to scale the size of the texture.Select Link With Layer if you want the texture to move along withthe layer as the layer moves. Invert inverts the texture. Depthvaries the degree and direction (up/down) to which the texturingis applied. Snap To Origin makes the origin of the pattern the sameas the origin of the document (if Link With Layer is deselected)or places the origin in the upper-left corner of the layer (if LinkWith Layer is selected).

Drag the texture to position it in thelayer.Double-click a style in the Styles panel.If the Styles panel is set to display styles as thumbnails, entera new name in the dialog box and click OK. Otherwise, typea new name directly in the Styles panel and press Enter (Windows)or Return (Mac OS).Select a style in the Styles area of the Layer Styledialog box. Then choose Rename Style from the pop‑up menu, entera new name, and click OK.When using a shape or Pen tool, select a style fromthe Style pop‑up panel in the options bar. Then choose Rename Stylefrom the pop‑up panel menu.

In this guide, I will be walking you through each individual layer effect and showing examples of each. Do keep in mind, however, that layer styles are about experimentation — some effects work perfectly in some designs, whereas they may look terrible in others. There are no set formulas, and it’s up to you to unleash your creativity once you have learned the fundamentals of using layer styles in Photoshop.This is what we will discuss:. What is a layer style?. Applying layer styles. The Layer Style dialog window. Drop Shadow.

Photoshop Styles 2018

Inner Shadow. Outer Glow. Inner Glow.

Bevel and Emboss (Contour/Texture). Satin. Color Overlay. Gradient Overlay.

Pattern Overlay. Stroke. A few layer type tipsWhat is a Layer Style?A layer style is simply one or more layer effects and blending options applied to a layer. Layer effects are things like drop shadows, stroke, and color overlays.Here is an example of a layer with three layer effects (Drop Shadow, Inner Glow, and Stroke).You can turn off a layer style by clicking on the eye icon beside Effects so that you can see how the original layer looks without its layer style.Similarly, you can turn off the visibility of each layer effect. In the following example, the Drop Shadow layer effect was disabled.You can tell that a layer has a layer style because of the fx icon on its right side.Applying Layer StylesTo set up a layer style, you will use the Layer Style dialog window. There are various ways to access the Layer Style dialog window. Right-Clicking on a LayerBy right-clicking on your layer, you can select Blending Options to open up the Layer Style dialog window.Double-Clicking on a LayerBy double-clicking on your layer’s thumbnail preview in the Layers Panel, you can open up the Layer Style window.Application Bar MenuLike most things in Photoshop, you can access the Layer Style dialog window through the Application Bar menu by going to Layer Layer Style.

You can find each individual layer effect (Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, etc.), as well as an option to open up the Layer Style dialog window (Blending Options).Use Preset Layer Styles Using Styles PanelThe Styles Panel features preset layer styles such as 'Sunspots' or 'Tie-Dyed Silk'. Just select a layer and click on the appropriate preset layer style to apply it.You can view the Styles Panel by going to Window Styles.The Layer Style Dialog WindowWhen you first open the Layer Style window, you will see the Blending Options. Here you can adjust the Blend Mode and layer Opacity, as well as some more advanced blending effects.A layer style can have one or more different layer effects. To apply a layer effect, check the box beside it.Be sure to enable the Preview option so that you can see your changes in real-time.To quickly preview what your layer style looks like, there’s a thumbnail on the right side of the window to help remind you.Let us go over each of the different layer effects, starting with the Drop Shadow layer effect. Drop Shadow Layer EffectThe Drop Shadow is probably one of the most used layer effects.The Blend Mode allows you to blend the shadow into the background in different ways (Multiply, Overlay, etc.).Lower the Opacity to increase the shadow’s translucence.The Angle option of your drop shadow will affect the direction it drops when the Distance is set to 1 pixel or higher. If the Distance is set to 0, the shadow will spread equally around the layer’s contents.Spread allows you to make the shadow thicker/denser.The Size is how big or small the drop shadow will be on each side of the object.Changing the Quality set of options enables you to add noise to your shadow and alter the contours of your shadow.


Drop Shadow Example 1In this particular image, the direction of the shadow won’t matter because I had set the Distance option to 0, meaning that the shadow is centered. This can be used to bring images out of the background, and works especially well on light backgrounds (such as white or light gray).Drop Shadow Example 2This next example uses similar settings, with a slightly lower Opacity, and increased Distance, Spread and Size. As you can see, the drop shadow steers off below the bottom right side corner, giving the impression that there is a source of light coming from the upper left corner.Inner Shadow Layer EffectThe Inner Shadow effect is very similar to the Drop Shadow. In fact, it’s just the inverse in that it’s applied inside the object instead of the outside of it.All of the options are the same as Drop Shadow. You may notice, however, that Spread has been replaced with Choke – the higher the Choke value, the thicker the shadow. Inner Shadow Example 1This example uses similar settings to the first example of the Drop Shadow layer effect so that you may compare and contrast. It makes the image appear as if it has been placed behind your background, like a window.Inner Shadow Example 2Inner Shadow can also be used to add a slight distressed, vintage effect to images by increasing the Noise option and using a big Size value.

Using such a simple style, you can make your image appear to have weathered, darkened edges and corners.Inner Shadow Example 3This layer style shows a common text effect: the. The settings are very similar to the first Inner Shadow example, however it has a Distance of 2 so that the Angle option produces an effect.Outer Glow Layer EffectGlows are very similar to shadows in concept. Outer glows are often used to create subtle effects when an outer edge of an object needs a bit of a boost to get it to stand out from its background. Outer glows usually work best on dark backgrounds.Like shadows, you can adjust the Blend Mode, Opacity and Noise of your glow, as well as the Spread and Size of it.An option you have with glows that isn’t available with shadows is the Technique option, which can either be Softer or Precise.Softer gives the edge of your glow a softer and more subtle edge, whereas Precise makes your glow stronger and bolder.The Range option of your glow allows you to change its thickness — the lower the number, the thicker.

Setting this at 1%, for example, will actually make your glow look like a stroke rather than a glow. Outer Glow ExampleHere is a blue outer glow.Inner Glow Layer EffectLike the Drop Shadow versus Inner Shadow, the Inner Glow versus the Outer Glow is similar, they are just the inverse of each other.All the options are the same as Outer Glow, with one additional option: Source. The Source allows you to make your glow appear from the Edge (default setting) or the Center.

Inner Glow Example 1This is an example of the Edge glow, which works in the same way an Inner Shadow does.Inner Glow Example 2This is an example of the Center glow using the Overlay blend mode to make the inner area of the photo appear more vivid with an increased level of contrast.Bevel and Emboss Layer EffectThe Bevel and Emboss gives an object a raised (Bevel) or depressed (Emboss) look. The effect has two sub-effects, Contour and Texture.Contour allows you to make your bevel/emboss sharper or softer.Texture gives you the option to add a pattern to your object.There are a handful of different settings when it comes to using the Bevel and Emboss effect. The higher the Depth, the sharper the structure.

The higher the Size, the more center your bevel/emboss will be. The Shading set of options allow you to increase the Opacity of both the highlights and the shading, and also allows you to change the Angle (the source of light). Bevel and Emboss Example 1This example shows an exaggerated effect; because the Depth is so high (1000%) and the Size and Soften settings are very low, our bevel is very prominent.Bevel and Emboss Example 2This is a very similar example as the one we just looked at, however, this time I have slightly decreased the bevel’s Depth and enabled the Contour effect. The Contour, as you can see, gives the bevel an even sharper edge; very close to a 1-pixel line. It also removes a lot of the highlights around the left and top edges of our photograph.Bevel and Emboss Example 3This example uses the exact same settings as the above example (including the Contour settings), however this time we have also checked our Texture effect. You can select one of Photoshop’s preexisting patterns, or install some of your own.The sliders control the scale and depth of your pattern, and the Invert checkbox allows you choose between either embossed or beveled.Satin Layer EffectThe Satin style, in my experience, is very rarely used.

One use I have found for it in the past is for recreating vintage effects — although there are lots of different other ways to do that.The Satin options are very simple, and similar to the others we have already looked at. Satin Example 1I have set the Color to red, the Distance to 72px and size to 0 to create the pattern on top of my image.Satin Example 2This example has near-identical settings as the one above; the only difference is that I increased the Size value. As you have probably noticed, increasing the Size option creates a blurred effect.Color Overlay Layer EffectColor Overlay is an incredibly simple layer style, allowing you to completely cover the layer’s contents with a color.There are three settings: the Blend Mode, the Color, and the Opacity — they are pretty self-explanatory. This is a useful effect for quickly changing colors and is often used in web design variations, when alternative colors of things like text is desired. Color Overlay Example 1This is the default settings you will be given when applying the Color Overlay layer effect.Color Overlay Example 2One common use for the Color Overlay effect is to quickly apply colored tints to your images. To do this, you just need to select your color and lower your Opacity enough so that your image can show through (although this is probably better done with an adjustment layer for better control).Color Overlay Example 3When using solid black alongside the Overlay blend mode and an Opacity of 100%, you can completely eliminate some colors within your image.

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