Kotor 2 Shutting Down Hk Factory
Exile: Force Persuade Give me all your credits and jump into that pit over there.Exchange Mook #1: B-but.can't resist.here, take the credits.I have to go.Exchange Mook #2: Jumping into the pit is a good idea. Get to ground faster that way. Funnier still, some followers will react to this with a light-side style Influence gain, since you still technically saved the guy the thugs were shaking down. On Nar Shaddaa, after tampering with a droid causing it to explode violently, an alien asks what's going on. Two conversation options open up: 'Your droid exploded.' , and 'I believe your droid had a.' .
This mod has been set to hidden. The reason given by the author is: Game Front is now back online. Due to issues with other websites, they've requested we take down the files we backed up when they went offline. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, simply known as Knights of the Old Republic II or KotOR II, is the sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.It was developed by Obsidian and published by Lucas Arts. According to the game's producers, the change of developers was primarily due to BioWare's occupation with other titles, such as Jade Empire and Dragon Age.
Kotor 2 Hk Factory
The male Exile would perhaps prefer a little excitement. Exile: Nothing hurts more than a blaster shot to the groin. If you've never been shot, there are no words to describe how much pain you're going to feel.
And there are many other ways you can get maimed and seriously injured. I expect most of us are going to die today, so you might want to think about all the things you care about. It won't matter soon. That's it, really. What makes it even funnier is that after you get done speaking, every single one of the troops starts doing the 'panic/cower' animation where they tremble and cradle their heads in their hands. Zherron informs you that he, and also that the men react pretty much the same way to his speeches. Speaking of Dantooine, if you side with the settlers, the colony administrator will offer you a 4000 credit reward.
You can choose to accept the money, demand more, tell her to keep it so they can use it to rebuild the colony, or tell her to keep it—and use it to commission a giant statue of you in recognition of your deeds. If you pick the last one, the administrator's reaction is priceless. This hilarious exchange when you first encounter the Mandalorians on Dxun. Mandalorian sentry: We claimed this moon decades ago when we reforged ourselves after Exar Kun's defeat. Some of us call it home.
Why are you trespassing here?Exile: I was thinking of starting a Czerka office here. I sense a lot of untapped potential.Mandalorian sentry: That was a joke, right? It'll be interesting to see how long you keep your sense of humour - here.
In the tomb of Ludo Kresh, when reaching the vision of Kreia and the companions, the Exile catches on to the fact that it's just another vision. As the hallucinations of the companions gang up on the hallucination of Kreia. Atton: I'm guessing that Republic ship that just docked isn't carrying friends of yours.Kreia: I hope your talent for understatement is offset by your skill with a blaster.
If not, then I fear our time together will be short indeed.Atton: Yeah, and I'm also good at running and drinking, your majesty. At one point Kreia mentions how reading another's mind is not something done lightly. You can ask her if she did it, and she will deny it, but the context (she just commented on how the Handmaidens' minds are trained to resist the Force) and her tone make it come off as an.
'Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. '. 'Nice outfit.
What, you miners change regulation uniform while I've been in here?' Depending on your gender, this is delivered curtly or in a 'How you doin'?' Manner, seeing as you're in your underwear at the time. 'Look, not that your half-naked interrogation isn't a personal fantasy of mine.' .
( regarding Kreia, who's just got her hand cut) 'Are you blind? If I were her, I'd be screaming like a stuck mynock. Well, I mean a very strong, manly mynock.' .
'I knew it! That stupid T3 unit stole our ship! It's probably joyriding through the system right now, laughing at us. Laughing at me.' .
'Well, it is isn't the one who stole the Ebon Hawk. Not so smug now, are you, you little thief?' . It gets expanded if Kreia's in the party at the time.

Atton: Just so you Jedi know, the whole 'cryptic routine' isn't mysterious, it's just irritating. If you really can see the future, you should be at the pazaak table.Exile: But to know the future, one must know yourself.Atton: What was that, some kind of joke? That's what I'm talking about.
You two should start your own little Jedi Academy.Exile: But to teach, one must be willing to learn.Atton: All right, all right! Cut it out, I get it, I get it!
The last Jedi in the galaxy, I get the comedian who runs around in her underwear. Not that I'm complaining. Most Jedi wouldn't know a joke if it crawled up their lightsabers. ( after the Exile tells him she's found some clothing) ' Dammit. I mean.good, good to hear it.
No sense in you running around half-naked. It's distracting.' . ( after being told he just entered a ship full of Sith Assassins) 'You two are the worst Jedi I've ever met!'
. ( on Nar Shaddaa, regarding Kreia) 'Uh.
If you want to stay on the ship and meditate some more, don't let us stop you.' . The exchanges between him and Kreia can occasionally elicit some laughs. 'Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope. Statement: This definition, I am told, is subject to interpretation. Obviously, love is a matter of odds.
Not many meatbags could make such a shot, and fewer would derive love from it. Yet for me, love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose, against statistically long odds.' . The result freaks the Exile out so much that. Should T3 be in the party (outside the Hawk) or passing by (inside the Hawk), we get this exchange (paraphrased).
HK: ( after G0-T0 regards him as if they've met previously) Query: Have we had the misfortune to meet before? I believe I would remember one as large as you.HK: ( in a later conversation, after he pulls a moment and saves Bao-Dur's remote from G0-T0's interference in Malachor V) Correction: One could rust listening to your speeches, fat one. Perhaps it is the large, unwieldy vocabulator within your moon-sized frame that prevents your calculations from taking me into account.
Kotor 2 Shutting Down Hk Factory Full
A vision of him in the tomb on Korriban. HK-50 #1: Dismissive Answer: We do not know. It is not important.HK-50 #2: Timid Theory: Perhaps the humans simply liked being underground. They are strange that way.the rest of the HK's turn to look at the HK that just spokeHK-50 #2: It is merely a theory.HK-50 #1: Irritated Statement: That is the least probable theory in the galaxy. Perhaps it is time you received a memory wipe.HK-50 #2: Defensive Statement: The theory is no less valid than your theories.
In the lack of evidence, I defend my position. Downloading the TSLRCM adds all the HK-47 and HK-50 conversation back to the game, allowing you to experience the factory in all of it's glory.

Just one of the funniest events includes 47 walking up to the usual of 50's, realizes that his programming prevents him from attacking 'himself', realizes their programming prevents them from attack 'themself', and proceeds to simply. It leaves them open to an uppercut that knocks them flat.Exile: That could work, I guess.Mira: It's simple.
When you want a man, jab him with a bothan stunner, then when he's screaming in pain slap some stun cuff on him. Then starve him for two or three days until he becomes open to suggestion, before double checking if he's worth anything.Exile: That sounds more like hunting.Mira: Call it what you want. Me, I love my targets. If you're male, you get a cutscene where Mira pulls the Handmaiden aside and gives her the same advice on getting men; the Handmaiden's reply is the exact same as the Exile's. Mira doesn't like grenades, but if asked will explain that she does use them. Czerka employee: T1-N1? What are you doing out here?

You're not supposed to leave the mainframe. I think someone makes a memory wipe.T1-N1: while shooting the man Yeaaaargh!Czerka employee No. 2: What the.?
is gunned down too. Also, you can talk to the Duros who maintains B4-D4, and what follows is B4-D4 pointing out that it undergoes memory wipes a lot more than normal. Almost as if he had something to hide.
But of course, B4-D4 could 'forget' to mention it to Jana Lorso, in exchange for, oh, let's say. The best part?