Left 4 Dead 2 Multiplayer

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For automatic weapons I prefer the ak-47. For close quarters I prefer axe, because itis deadly and it is fun watching you tear the zombies limbs right off there body. Forpistols I prefer the magnum pistol because it is a lot more powerful than the regularpistol. For shotguns I prefer the spas-12 its has more bullets when you shoot and itpacks a punch. For sniper rifles I prefer the single shot sniper even though it ain't asaccurate as the bolt action rifle it doesn't have to be reloaded every time you shoot.And finally for throwing weapons I really do prefer the cocktail and boomer bile. I prefer you never ever pick up an adrenaline shot.

Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1. An all new multiplayer mode. Mar 6, 2019 - Left 4 Dead 2 is a co-op first person shooter from Valve. In the game, 4 Survivors try to make it through multiple campaigns with different game.

Because I have never found a situation were I needed it that bad so always grab the pain pills. Never grab a de-fib unit unless you are playing with an experienced players if not just get the med pack. For assault rifles I prefer not to get the Scar because it is 3 shot burst. I always grab an Ak-47 or a M-16. I am not a big shotgun user but they do deal a lot of damage on the special infected.

I never really use the pistols I am a big melee person so I use the Katana. So I have told you everything to have a good time! So go kill them all! All you need is a sword or a bat or something, grab boomer bile then summon the hoard, quickly run in a corner and have your team split up.

After that swith to your sword or a bat, (you should have grabbed a gun also), then you fight the hoard wacking or slicing. When the tank comes you throw boomer bile on him then run once your far away most of his health should be down.

Then you hold your ground pull out your gun and shoot. Once he's dead a hoard should come you get back in your corner and repeat. (hint you should go get more boomer bile. ) also when you throw boomer bile on the tank you will recieve an achievement. And this is how you survive. This only works with the Passing content.

First do survival. Then choose the Passing with Port. This only works with two people. Have one person grab the grenade launcher but first kill the Al Bots ( computer- controlled people). Once they are dead, get onto the closest pole to the drawbridge (I'll recommend the one on the right side. ) Then jump as fast as you can while the grenadier person shoots at the corner of the sign thing behind them. If you do this right, you'll fly up there.

But what about the person with the grenade launcher? Once the blasted person gets onto the draw bridge safely, (if you want then start the horde) then run to the juke box and get on top of it and crouch. Then Take A Break then come back right away. You should be stuck on top. After a few seconds you should either poof to your blasted person or poof next to the Al Bots if you haven't killed them. If you did poof next to your blasted buddy, hurry and get onto the draw bridge.

If you don't then acid patches will appear out of nowhere and lose health mysteriously. All of this only works about 15% of the time. This is my way of avoiding special infected.The Jockeys job is to get you far away from other team mates so another special infected can attack you. So the only way to avoid a Jockey is to stay in a group and be ready. The spiter is supposed to make the group split up so the common and uncommon infected can pray on you one by one. And the only way to avoid that is watch your backs because she likes to surprise you.;)The bommers job is to blind you for a short period of time so you are basically useless to your other team mates.

The only way to stop this is be aware of your surroundings so if he does vomit on you. You can just back up into a corner. Don't be like some people and start shooting randomly.The Charger has a very similar job to the Spitters. His job is to separate the group into ones so the others can pick you off. The only way to avoid this is when you hear him coming split up so he doesn't knock all of you down. The worst thing that can happen is the Charger hits one of you but the others are still fine so they can help you back up.The Smoker is supposed to take your mind of the rest of the game so your not worried about the other zombies. He kinda makes me mad because if you save your friend and don't kill him he runs away and comes back later.

He likes to be high in the air so you don't see him right away so when you hear him find away to get 2 of the members to look up and watch for him well the other 2 defend them.Now to my old friend the witch she can be deadly if you don't know how to beat her. She hates flashlights so keep them off! And she hates it when you get to close or shoot her so don't do that!

The easiest way to beat her is get a Molotov Cocktail and throw it at her then have a assault rifle and shoot her don't run that just makes her chase you!The tank is simple most people just run for there life you can you gotta hold your ground, dodge his rocks and the cars he throws and shoot the living crap out of him. First, you need to go to the parish campaign and when your done with the kitchen part go in the safe room and get a pipe bomb if their is one then you go in between the buildings and shoot the green garbage can in the front and get on the blue trash can and try to jump on the electric box and once your up jump again on the pipe and do the same again then turn around (using the right analog stick)and jump on the black pipe and run. And if you want to get on the opposite roof in front of the one you are on just throw the pipe bomb on the wall BUT SOFTLY go in front of it and make sure their is nothing in the way.

And you are able to get their then when the beep of the pipe bomb gets fast press the Y button rapidly till you are on the roof. Then when you are on the roof stop!. And their is another way to get on that roof if their is a smoker on that roof let it grab you and tell a friend to save you p. S if you wonder how the computers get up their they just follow. I'm going to tell you about some melee weaponsyou can use when you are attacked by a bunch of zombies whwn hitting them with your pistol isn't enough. You can use weapons like a crowbar, guitar, frying pan, baseball bat, and a axe, however there is one weapon I would reccomend for you I reccomend the chainsaw.

(Note: The chainsaw is most useful when you charge ahead of your fellow survivors and right into the zombie horde) It can also earn you the'Chain of Command' Acheivement. So use this hint to keep surviving when your assault rifle runs out of ammo. Happy Zombie Hunting! In the Fairground stage, you will find a target practice minigame.

Next to it is a box that says 750 points. Once you achieve 750 points, you will get Gnome Chompski. (NOTE:A recommended weapon is the hunter rifle you get from next to the billboard. )If you keep this gnome until the end, and hold it even in the helicopter, you get Rochelle's shirt and the GAURDIN' GNOME achievement.In the Barns stage, near the entrance to the barns will be a game titled 'Stache Whacker'.


If you reach 42 points, the game breaks and you get the 'STACHE WHACKER achievement. (NOTE:If time runs out, LEDs will say in text 'Continue? Press the action button to continue)On the Concert stage, next to the seats on the far right side is a forklift. If you hide in the corner behind it, virtually no zombies will get you.

ALSO, the gnome can push the forklift. If you push it in the way, the zombies have an obsticle and cannot see you.

(NOTE:If your team is on the same side as you, it will be easier to get to the chopper. This achievement will help you to kill a tank with a mele weapon! First you, of course have to have a melee weapon! Pistols don't count because they shoot, you must have either Katana, machete, crowbar, axe, cricket bat, or baseball bat.

Left 4 dead 2 multiplayer console commands

Then simply whenever the tank comes light off then wait till the tank is attacking on of your teammates, then come from behind and start slashing until he dies! You don't want to wait to long before attacking or else your teammates might kill it! Or if you have Xbox live you, and all your teammates will have to have a melee weapon and everybody attack, and one of you will get lucky and get the achievement! To unlock this achievement you have to sneak past a witch in any level!

Sounds simple huh? Its not really! But here some help: First in my opinion choose the Dead Center Campaign because there is usually only 1 or 2 witches depending on what difficultly you put it on! Second you never stop and watch her you always want to be on the move or she will suspect something!

So when you see the witch make sure your at least 15 feet away, or if shes blocking your path you'll just have to run around her. 50% of the time she is walking so its not that hard, and if you really want the achievement put it on easy! Once you start a game find the explosive ammo on the table with all the weapons and set it up IMMEDIATELY! Then grab some (doesn't matter what weapons you use) then grab the incendiary ammo and go up the stair set CLOSEST to the radio! Once you arrive all the way to the top you make a left and you will find an enclosed area! Set the incendiary ammo here and don't take any until you run out of explosive ones!


Then run back down grab a health kit and another gas can and throw them in front of the door by the room you go in! When you get bum rushed shoot those and it will be much easier! They can climb over the back and the tanks normally come from behind there! After like 5 to 7 minutes you might fail to contain them so shoot out the sky lights on the ground in the room then jump down in them and start runnin! This is my opinion on the best weapons: the assault rifle is my all time favorite weapon because its one shot kill on regular zombies and it has a clip of fifty. The down side is you run out of ammo a bit fast.

The shotgun is best if you are planning on trying to face the horde head on and one at a time its a good choice. But with the shotgun in the events where either a tank or a witch attack or you get attacked by huge groups of the horde it's not good because of the long reload times. The snipe is very good, it can go through multiple enemies and also kill a smoker or a tank from long range but when you are in close quarters you are stuck with a long range weapon and the time in between shots. So my suggestion is stick with the assault rifle it seems to work the best for all scenarios.

In left 4 dead 2 one of the best weapons used in single and multiplayer campaign would most likely be the sniper rifle. Its a mod from the original assault rifle. The sniper rifle would be the best choice for the reason of that it has a long range advantage to you. It holds up to 25 bullets a clip, so you get more time protecting your self then getting pissed off by reloading half the time. Also since left 4 dead 2 you can't punch zombies for a long period of time so this gun may help that problem. The grenade launcher is ok too but you need a really good secondary weapon like dual pistols. So yea GO SNIPERS!

Linode's Dedicated CPU instances are ideal for CPU-intensive workloads like those discussed in this guide. To learn more about Dedicated CPU, read our. To upgrade an existing Linode to a Dedicated CPU instance, review the guide.is a single-player game developed and published by Valve Inc. Besides its fantastic single-player mode, Left 4 Dead 2 also offers a great multiplayer mode so you can blast zombies with your friends. This guide will explain how to prepare your Linode, install SteamCMD, and then install and configure Left 4 Dead 2 on Debian or Ubuntu.

Before You BeginYou will need the following items to get started:. A account. OPTIONAL (needed to test the server): A copy of. A Linode with at least 2GB of RAM and 10GB of free disk space. An up-to-date Linode running Ubuntu or Debian. We suggest you follow our guide for help configuring your Linode.Note.

Left 4 Dead 2 Multiplayer Cheats

This guide is written for a non-root user. Commands that require elevated privileges are prefixed with sudo. If you’re not familiar with the sudo command, reference the guide. Preparing your LinodeLeft 4 Dead 2 is sold on Steam.

Therefore, you will use SteamCMD to download and maintain the server for the game.Because a current Linode runs on a 64-bit operating system, you need to download a few extra libraries in order to run SteamCMD.Configure the package manager to include accommodations for i386 architecture: sudo dpkg -add-architecture i386.Update the system: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.Install requisite 32-bit libraries: sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 lib32stdc6 libc6-i386 libcurl4-gnutls-dev:i386 screenNote. If you’re running a legacy Linode on a 32-bit kernel, install these packages instead:sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev:i386 libc6-i386 libgcc1 screen.If you have a firewall running on your Linode, add exceptions for SteamCMD: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp- m udp -sport 4380 -dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPTsudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp -sport 10999 -dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPTsudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp -sport 7777 -dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPTsudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp -sport 27015 -dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPTNote. This guide requires additional libraries which are not included in our standard.

This guide includes standalone configuration instructions for SteamCMD. The +port 27020 parameter is not required but is recommended so that your server always starts on the same port. The port number may be changed to whichever one you prefer, so long as it is not a privileged port.You can change the map to whichever one you prefer. This script, when run, will execute the L4D2 server in a session.Make the script executable: chmod +x /Steam/L4D2-server/startL4D2.shUse the Server.To start the server, simply input and run:./startL4D2.To detach from the screen session which runs the server console, press these two key combinations in succession:CONTROL + ACONTROL + D.To bring the console back, type the following command: screen -r.To stop the server, bring back the console and type exit.Entering The ServerYou can connect to the server in any one of three easy methods:.Ensure that the developer console is enabled. On the main menu, press the tilde ( ) key to open the console.

Left 4 Dead 2 Free

Next, type the following: connect 12.34.0 where is your Linode’s ip, and 27020 is your port.A slightly easier method is to install the following add-on before launching the game:. After doing this, launch the game, click the new Console button on the main menu, and type the command found in method 1, above.A third method is to install the following add-on: and then launch the game. Next, click on the new Server Browser option on the main menu and find your server in the long list of servers. This method only works if you have set the hostname, svsearchkey, and svtags options in the config file.

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