Youtube Site Cannot Be Reached

Hi, I hope I have posted this in the right forum, apologies if I haven't. Here is the problem I'm having.I bought a HP ENVY 17t just over a month ago. For the first week, 10 days, everything was fine, I have a good internet connection with TWC and the wireless modem/router I got was perfect.Then I started to notice that I could not access some of my usual websites. Download game counter strike online 2.

Sep 7, 2018 - This site can't be reached's server DNS address could not be found. Try running Windows Diagnostics.
I would type in the URL press enter then wait, and wait. As opposed to just a day or so previously when I reached tte site instantly. Some of the sites would eventually, after a minute or so, some longer, appear, but then not completely, the graphics (pictures) were missing, links on the side of the pages were not there.Initially I had thought that it was a problem with my internet connection so I called TWC.
They checked at their end and then checked the modem/router, and pronounced that there was no problem with the internet connection. And sure enough, when I tried to download files from the office, I had no problems at all. I could access the servers and download large files without a problem, as fast as I did before the problem started.I then called TP-Link. My Modem router is a TP-Link Archer CR700.
This Site Can’t Be Reached Wordpress
I thought that there might be some kind of intermittent problem.